The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Poppy bud

"I think I chose the wrong film" said my friend AK as we sat in the cinema and cried with laughter and relief, that Top Gun: Maverick was finally over. Impressive fight scenes, definitely, and Tom Cruise is looking far better at 58 than I am, but it's a white-knuckle ride, one for the boys. I shan't go and see Top Gun 3,  which had better not have a time-lag of 35 years, because Tom Cruise will be 93 by then...

That was the highlight of my day. The rest was spent in the office, though I did sprint up to town at lunchtime to do some banking, and for exercise. We also rearranged our desks in the office, so that we are no longer sitting on top of each other.

When we emerged from the cinema, we discovered it was a sun-drenched evening, so I walked home the long way round, via Waitrose, where the reduced-price items were still around £4.65 each. Hello, cost of living crisis!

Now it's the beginning of the Queen's Jubilee bank holiday weekend. I've cracked open a can of Coke Zero to celebrate. Never let it be said that I don't know how to have a good time!

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