Rainy, Murky Day!

I spent some time in the garden this morning, before the rain. Tried to get as much planted as possible. Making progress! And managed to play nine holes (rather badly) with a couple of friends...although we didn't escape the rain entirely.

Home to work at my desk and deal with various and sundry admin stuff. But a nice walk in the garden in between showers to find the first Nigella blooming. You might know it as 'Love in a Mist' - a most apt name.

As for Izzy, last night, in desperation, I posted a note in our local online social media asking for help. It didn't take but 30 minutes before a neighbor volunteered her husband and his 30' ladder to rescue Izzy. They live about four houses away as the crow flies, but there are fences in the way, since they live on a cul-de-sac behind our house. So he walked all the way around. He set up his ladder, climbed to the end, then scaled the tree with a basket that had a rope tied to it. He patiently and very sweetly talked to Izzy who seemed happy to be wrapped in a towel and placed in the basket. He lowered her down and she was on solid ground once again! I don't think she's left the house today! She slept on my desk all day. Yay Izzy! Another adventure complete. 

If you look closely at the photo in the extra, you'll see the ladder...then quite a bit above it, a guy in a blue shirt. And if you use your imagination, you might just see Izzy above his left shoulder!

Thanks so much for your very kind and supportive Izzy comments yesterday.

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