The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Forest bathing

I had a better day at the market stall today, and managed to nip out to see an art exhibition in the park, on my way to the library to return a book.

Friend S popped in to see me. Owing to ill health and lack of transport, she hadn't been into town since February. We offered her tea and English strawberries from the market. It was wonderful to see her, though I'm always juggling tasks at the market. I also dispatched another thirty-odd catalogues by Royal Mail, and feel I am getting there, wherever there is!

Back at home, we unpacked our boxes and I heated up some curries. Started watching Vivian Maier on Amazon Prime, about the discovery of an unknown street photographer in Chicago, who was also a nanny. Tempted to watch it all, but CS is watching a football match (70 mins in, it's England 0, Italy 0).

When the game started, I nipped out to the Heavens valley woods/ the Weyhouse behind our house, as I haven't been there for ages, despite the proximity. The steep path has become overgrown, with many exposed tree roots to trip up the unwary. I shan't be going down there with any of my less able friends...I also wanted to try and put in 10, 000 steps today, because I've got out of the habit since changing to a sedentary job a few weeks ago. On Thursday and Friday I managed over 7,000 but today I exceeded 10k. Hurrah!

The evening light was soft and low, and the meadow was so quiet that I observed a rabbit going about its routine. Over the crest of the hill some sort of party was going on, with loud music, but since I couldn't see it, I decided not to bother about it. When I was 18, I also enjoyed blasting music very loudly into celebrated beauty spots. It must be a teenage multi-sensory thing. Nowadays I prefer birdsong.

Tomorrow will also be fine,, or so I am told.

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