
The reconstructed Pictish (Iron Age) house at Bosta, Great Bernera. In 1993 a storm uncovered the remains of a Pictish settlement by the beach at Bosta. Following excavation the buildings were backfilled and a meticulous replica was built close by. The house, like those at Skara Brae would have been largely underground, only the roof being visible above ground. The structure is 'jelly bean' shaped with a large room for communal living and a smaller room, possibly a store leading from it. As in the later blackhouses - which seem to have evolved from this design of dwelling -there was a peat fire in the centre of the floor - carefully sited to benefit from draught from the low entrance. (A curving passageway leads down to the door)Smoke from the fire would have been used to preserve meat and fish.There were sleeping platforms round the walls but some members of the family would probably have slept in the rafters.

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