
What an absolutely beautiful morning it was first thing.  However the day deteriorated into thick clouds again and was even raining at one point.  It was incredibly warm all day, though I never saw much of the day.  Work was busy and I am still catching up.  I did have a lovely chat with a senior colleague who was asking how BB was.  I was apologizing for leaving her in the lurch with a few things and she said, “sometimes you just have to drop everything and be a mum,” which summed up my unexpected absence from work.
A some point during the day a lovely parcel of chocolate arrived for BB.  It was from one of my friends, but had been delivered to the wrong address. 
Later this evening I went for a walk, and it was still very dull, with a real threat of rain.  Luckily it didn’t come to anything and I remained dry.
Poppies appeared in the garden early  this morning due to the sunshine and heat early.  I spotted the extra this evening.

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