He's Watching Me

We were woken at some ungodly hour this morning by a (what I assume was a fledgling) bird on the window sill battering its wings on the glass.

I arrived at The Larder  slightly earlier than usual - and my round was all ready. They had made it up first for some reason. I wasn't complaining. They guy who wants me to take a photograph of his scooter and him in his full Mod outfit still isn't feeling great and will be in hospital for a couple of weeks while they try and clean out his lungs a bit (it doesn't sound nice). I wish him well.
Another of my recipients has the door unlocked for me to go in and drop off her meals as she has oesto everything as has problems getting up. This morning the door was locked and there was no reply when I shouted through the letterbox.   I asked the office to try and give her a ring. It turns out she is in hospital. I wonder what she has broken this time.
They say that things come in threes ....... yet another recipient has obviously moved out - last weeks meals were still on the doorstep although the birds had made a damned good attempt to rectify that. That is almost as bad as the guy last week who I found was just chucking the meals in the bin ... he requested the meals and they are specially made as he has food allergies so wasting the food like that is a disgrace - I had him removed from the list.

There was a short time spent in the garage .... nothing finished as yet.

There was also some time spent removing leaves and weeds from the pond. I can confirm - there are definitely tiny fish in  there (too small and too wriggly to photograph).
This tadpole spent ages watching me - the pond skaters spent ages taking the mickey out of me (they are really fast).
My peony is going to be a bit of a disappointment this year .... there are only three buds on it.

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