Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


For the last month, I've known that we had Red-eyed Vireos nesting somewhere in the woods because the male has been singing pretty much non-stop.  Some summers I never end up seeing them so I wasn't counting on it this year ... until I stepped out after a pounding rain and spotted him/her in the service berry plucking off little insects.  No time to do much more than raise a camera and fire off a few shot.  I confess that I had to do some fiddling with this and I'm still not particularly happy it.  That said, I wanted to record this species on my yardbirds list for the year and this may be my best chance. If I get lucky and get a better shot, I'll retag it.  

It rained hard today, but now the sun is out and the temps are rising.  Earlier, I was bundled up in fleece; now I'm comfy in a long sleeved t-shirt.  Tomorrow, with luck, I'll get the kayak out for a little paddle.  We'll see.  Meanwhile, we have our second-to-last obedience class for Jax tonight.  Since he's been sleeping a lot today I expect he'll be a bundle of bad behavior later...sigh.

I had a zoom yoga class today which I definitely needed.  I am sometimes a little shocked to realize that I'm 66 (in my head, I'm 40) and that I get a lot more random aches and pains that I used to.  Last night my back was really bothering me which made for a poor night's sleep - but after an hour of gentle yoga, I feel soooo much better.  

I've got an appointment with my primary doctor tomorrow morning where I'm going to lay out all the random things that seem to be going on with me physically lately and see if he can find some common threads or patterns.  He's a good diagnostician and has known me for many years so I have complete confidence in him.  I truly don't think there is anything serious, but I do think something is causing the weight loss.

The outdoor is calling me now - I can see lots of baby birds careening around the garden, begging to be fed...and photographed!  And if you'd like to see a rather pleasing shot of a male hummingbird, check it out HERE on Instagram

I think dark with nuts today...


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