Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Loves Dill

About a month and a half ago, I tended a bunch of Black Swallowtail butterfly chrysalides for KangaZu.  During that time, I released 7 beautiful butterflies who chose that week to emerge after a long winter.  And a few days ago, I found this caterpillar happily munching away on a patch of dill in my garden.  I choose to believe that this is the progeny of one of KangaZu's butterflies - the timing in certainly right.  Anyway, I snipped the dill and put it in a predator safe container so that this little guy can eventually come out as a beautiful butterfly.  Dill, parsley, and carrot greens are all favorite host foods for these snappy caterpillars.  I suppose some gardeners wouldn't appreciate the voracious appetites of caterpillars like these, but I think we've plenty to go around.  

Bestie Ellen picked me up at noon and we went to a local diner for lunch then off to get spa pedicures.  It was a most enjoyable way to spend the afternoon with the added bonus that my feet feel (and look) lovely now.  We talked about this and that and spent some time on yesterday's news from the Supreme Court.  And we both remembered when we used to think judges seated on the highest court in the country were above politics and were capable of setting aside their own beliefs in favor of the law.  It's a shame that these judges are appointed for life - there is no way to ensure that they carry out their duties in an impartial manner.  

Okay, enough of that.  I am happy to report that the male bluebird was back in the garden late yesterday and this morning, singing away.  And Nestbox 2 with 7 wren eggs started hatching yesterday.  Slightly less good news - one of the bears was on the patio this morning - I didn't see it but could hear Hubs blasting the airhorn at it while Jax barked his most ferocious bark.  Bird feeders only going out now when I have time to watch out for visitors.  

It's very hot this weekend without a whisper of wind or trace of a cloud.  I will probably do something "buggy" again tomorrow.  I just got a Raynox macro lens to put on my 105 macro and I want to spend some time playing with it. I tried a few shots today, but I clearly need to do a better job on managing the DOF as it is quite shallow with this lens.  

Dark with blood orange today - delicious.


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