This is the day

By wrencottage

We have lift off …

The day started quietly, watching online our church’s 9.30 service, and then having a coffee and chat together before lunch. Things then became considerably noisier after lunch, when we opened the door to two little girls and their Dad, who had decided to come to hang out with Granny and Grandpa for a bit while Mummy was busy!

They brought this contraption with them, which caused great hilarity. All you do is pop a rocket on the central pole and then jump on the air pump, which sends the rocket flying up really high into the air. The squeals of delight could probably be heard half a mile away! 

I won't let on that one of the adults jumped really hard and the rocket flew up and lodged itself in the guttering of the house, requiring a step ladder and a long-armed grabber to retrieve it. That wouldn't be kind, would it?

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