The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Green on Green

For a variety of reasons, none of which you really need or want to know, I'm working with my old computer and editing programs and finding that 1: I swear a lot when I have problems with something that used to come fairly easily and 2. Snapseed and it's wysiwyg approach to putting the finishing touches on a photo have spoiled me. This little guy was doing a good job packing away a big lunch on the chives in Jon's raised herb planter.

Thanks for the support. Made it safely to O'Hare to meet the ladies when their flight from DC got in this morning, though I did have a close call with a guy in a one-ton pickup who wasn't looking when he pulled in front of me from the breakdown lane. He appeared to have forgotten (or didn't care) that he was hauling a verrry long trailer. I tend to assume the worst when I see someone at an intersection or along the side of the road like this and this time it paid off.

I also passed on your messages of support and thanks to the intrepid three.  

Take care Blipfolk ... and the adventures through the viewfinder continue.

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