Looking for the Light

A nice walk with the C and the Megs at the end of the afternoon.   Mostly it was overcast, the light a bit flat but those clouds caught my eye and saved you yet another flower blip!   Good to chat as we walked.

After a little rain early in the day, I was able to get over to the allotment after my blood test.   Courgettes, Butternut Squash, Sprouting Broccoli and French Beans all planted out into soil well watered by the recent rain.   Now I just have to keep them alive!   Not much rain in the forecast but at least there is water on site now albeit only accessed by arrangement.   Two lots of laundry including a load of Ruth's old clothes that came out of one of the boxes.   Charity shop fodder mostly.   

Tennis now while I blip and enjoy a baked sponge with some of last years bramble jelly.  Plenty of flowers on the bramble bushes now, rain and sun will hopefully give us a good crop at the end of the summer.

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