
By dunkyc


Post my crazy silly busy patch at work, things were supposed to be quietening down, but there was no let up today and I was forced to continue actually working properly hard, which I think we can all agree is not what I signed up for.

Talking of crazy silly, my thoughts go out to any US-based chums and blipperati who are dealing with the fact that yet another mass shooting has taken place. Are there any words left unwritten to express the lunacy of the gun laws that continue to grip that nation? Where exactly is the bar on the body count barometer for change?

I was pleased to have the distraction of my children this evening and for the first time in the new kitchen, actually cooked a proper meal for them this evening. Manic Monday is no more as The Youngest has moved up to Cubs with M’boy, which means only one drop-off and pick up - woo hoo! 

This also meant that we had time for strawberries and cream in front of Wimbledon, before I was able to pack them off for an hour and a half to continue painting and prepping.

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