A time for everything

By turnx3

A great birding kayak!

Tuesday June 28
We found the camper bed quite comfortable, and had a pretty good night, except that I was awoken about 4.30am by the dawn chorus, which with trees all around, was quite loud! However, I was able to get off to sleep again for a while. We treated ourselves this first morning of camping for a long time, to a cooked breakfast of egg, bacon and sausage - something I rarely do these days - just once in a while! When we checked into the campground last night, the park ranger had asked us if we had been there before and if we would be putting our kayaks in there. We replied that this was our first time at the park, and we would be kayaking, so he made a recommendation of where to go - a boat dock to the northern end of the lake, and to head up towards the lake inlet - he said it was quiet up there and we would see Osprey and maybe a bald eagle. So we followed his advice, and it was good advice. Initially, we paddled for quite a while before seeing much, other than cormorants, and an Osprey and a red tailed hawk soaring overhead. I was beginning to feel a bit let down, when Roger spotted in the distance the first of four posts in the water each supporting a platform, which held an occupied Osprey nest. There were signs around the posts warning you not to go too close, but I was able to get some reasonable shots, though it’s not easy in a moving kayak, with the wind pushing you around all the time, and trying to get a shot of up to four ospreys in a nest - two adults, and in one case two juveniles! So the focus isn’t sharp, but it was a thrill nonetheless, seeing so many in close proximity. Unfortunately, we never did get to see a bald eagle. We ended up spending almost three hours out on the lake, not all of it actively paddling, but often just drifting and enjoying being out on the water, and watching the birds.
When we got back to the camper, we were ready for a cup of tea, then we had a shower. That was one thing we didn’t get to try out on the camper. Since we had booked last minute, we had only been able to get an electric site, rather than full hook-up, or at least with water. So we had filled the tank at home, so we had water for washing up, brushing our teeth etc, but we didn’t think it would extend to showering, so we used the campground bathrooms which were fine. After dinner, we found an ice cream parlor not far away, so went and had ice cream for dessert, and it was very good.
I’ve posted five backblips today, so I’m gradually catching up! Do check them out if you have time!
Step count: 9,873

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