Prunus fruits = mini plums?

This is only the second year we've had this mini prunus tree on the balcony, and this year it has produced some fruits. I'm assuming they aren't edible, and there aren't that many of them, but none the less it's interesting to see. And of course they are pretty tiny.

The balcony garden continues to give enormous pleasure. We thought the sweet peas might have stopped flowering, but they haven't, so I immediately whipped off a load of blooms to freshen up the indoor posy and also to encourage them to produce more. The nasturtiums and dianthus and various fuchsias as blooming in abundance. And the second lot of lilies are just about to flower, the golden coloured ones having just died back. The second lot flowered much later last year, because we only bought them in early September, so I guess they had been deliberately held back from their 'natural' flowering time. I see that there are some chrysanthemums visible in that blip I've linked to. I bought those around about the same time we bought the lilies, as some early autumn insta colour. Three of those plants survived the winter and are now doing very nicely, and presumably will flower in abundance again this year. That sort of conversion of insta-gardening into something more durable gives me enormous pleasure.

We had a surveyor here in the morning. I think that's more or less the final step. Soon, there may be definite news.... We're starting to believe.

Being Friday, it was a short day on the building site, and this was mainly in the rain that persisted for most of the morning, but the enormous heap of mainly top soil that used to be right in front of our bedroom window has now gone. I think from having looked at the mock ups visible online and the plans on the council website that a road will run straight through the development in front of our window, preserving the longer distance view of Corstorphine Hill that we currently have. There will be tall buildings to either side that will block other aspects of our current view.

After I'd been for a late afternoon walk to freshen up my head from a long day of sitting in front of the computer, and after we'd had supper, we went to Campervan for a pleasant Friday night pint. Back here, we slumped in front of the TV and watched the second half of the football match between England and NI. It's the first time we've watched football for a long time, and the way it is played by the women is so much better than the men. There were, maybe, five fouls in the whole second half, and no rolling around on the floor complaining about being hurt after being barely touched. But the skill levels and the athleticism on view were incredibly high. The evening was topped off by some Phil Cunningham programme that was rather forgettable. In fact, I'd completely forgotten what we watched, and had to ask Mr A to remind me....

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