Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Field Test - continued

I finally got some good opportunities to photograph hummers today in my garden, using the rental Z6ii.  I have to say that it performed quite well.  The only thing I did to this image was a crop meaning that I've gotten comfortable with the exposure settings (in fairness, they are pretty much the same as my Nikon DSLRs).  Notice the little bits of pollen on this one's beak as well as the little tip of her tongue - fun details.  

Slept late and then enjoyed a nice long FT chat with my parents who are looking very well.  Still moving a bit slower than normal after covid, but all in all good.

Jax and I then headed out to the yard - he to man the Bear Patrol Station on the deck and me to flit around the garden in pursuit of things to photograph.  I got my first look of the year at a very fresh American Snout (butterfly) and was tempted to blip it since I don't often see this species.  I'll put it in extra - you can see immediately where it gets the name "snout".  I also watched a female monarch leaving eggs all over my swamp milkweed in the garden.  I will let nature take its course with these eggs since Hubs and I will be gone for a week later this month and I don't want to travel with a bunch of hungry caterpillars!

Hubs and the pup are passed out on the sofa at the moment so this seems a good time to run out and do a few errands.  And if a nice piece of dark chocolate should find its way into my mouth - so much the better.


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