Living my dream

By Mima


(With apologies to those of you understandably fractious about the heat you are experiencing...)

Yet more rain has fallen - for far longer and more heavily than the forecast suggested. I know a few weeks ago I mentioned we needed rain. It's a classic case of be careful what you wish for! While we're not flooded, we are fully saturated.

The hens are hanging about looking bedraggled in a quagmire-like run, there are puddles of standing water all over the lawn and the skies are categorically leaden. 

Sunday is forecast to be sunny. Otherwise every other day in the next week will contain rain. It is distinctly Scottish. 

Still, it does mean I can forget about watering anything in the garden for a long time. 

And I am spared any anxiety about the threat of wildfires for a good spell ahead. 

And I can strip off and dance naked in the garden should I feel like it; thankful for a free shower. 

And lighting the woodstove feels even cosier when rain is thundering on the tin roof. 

And falling to sleep accompanied by that sound takes me straight back to the happiest of times when my Pirate and I lived in Cooktown, Far North Queensland.

I take pride in finding the bright side of every situation. It works like a charm: I'm completely at ease with the rain now...

Bean, on the other hand... She's a little more resistant to the charms of rain.

I've just been reading this series of articles about joy in the face of the climate crisis. For those of you feeling overwhelmed at the moment, it might possibly help increase your sense of purpose and positivity. 

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