River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Bardsey Apples & Fallen Leaves

Weather felt a lot fresher this morning, around 20°C with a gentle breeze from the sea.
Quick trip to Benllech for an appointment and quick shop at the Co-op.
Did a spot of watering late afternoon and noticed that most of the larger tomato plants in the greenhouse now have flowers or buds; one of the cucumber plants has a few embryo cucumbers so I’ve put in a support and string in the hope it will grow! Dwarf beans started off a few months ago have a few tiny beans appearing and best of all … I saw hedgehog poo next to trough with outdoor tomatoes and peas, see Monday’s extra - this has encouraged me to try to sort out the trail camera in order to capture photos of our visitor :-))
The Bardsey eating apple and Bramley cooking apple tree have lots of fruit, but with the lack of rain there’s been quite a “June drop”, lack of rain also causing the trees to lose a lot of their leaves too :-(((
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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