
By dunkyc

Cool runnings

I’ve trailed her appearance in my life with a few words here and there, so thought it only fair to offer the sneakiest of peaks of her ladyship.

The heat today was incredible and so it was no hardship to get back into my newly-returned and repaired car (they’ve done an amazing job - no sign of any dents at all - superb!) with its top notch air conditioning and head down to the coast for a cool car picnic with and kindly supplied by LadyV.

I think she’s got me figured out already as she’d picked me up a roll packed with meat and no sign of any thing remotely resembling a vegetable. We sat, talked, munched and marvelled at how far out on the potentially dangerous sands some people had gone to find the sea.

As children giggled and ran through the nearby water jets, we briefly ventured out of the car ourselves for a quick walk on the beach (where we took this photo) and the heat was absolutely phenomenal. Sadly, we couldn’t linger long as we both had to return to work, her to the business she co-owns and runs (I know, I have no idea what I can possibly offer her either) and me to the business who laid on an ice cream truck for its staff. I had no idea it was there, but naturally when I walked in the office as pictured and clutching an ice cream - ever the consummate insurance professional - I was immediately accused of only turning up for the frozen stuff. I was actually there for the aircon, ice cold water and to show support for my boss who was rounding off the quarterly staff presentations.

The day finished with tea courtesy of my mother (aka. Nanny Two-Puds) and two children full of excitement about the start of the summer holidays.

Despite the searing heat, it’s been a really cool day.

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