
By dunkyc

Dream a little bigger

Are you a committee or council member? Maybe you sit on the board of something or other? Maybe a local AmDram or Operatic society? If so, you will know how difficult it can be to get a decent attendance at your AGM.

Difficult no more, because 10th Kendal Cubs have cracked the code! Firstly, you lay on a free barbeque, you throw some awards around to some of the attendees (The Youngest walking away with a Bronze award - the highest honour a Beaver can receive) and finally, this is the most crucial part: you have an epic water fight.

Whilst the wee ones mother had kindly sent them round tooled up with a couple of smaller water pistols, my initial reaction mirrored that of Eames in Inception: “you mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling”.

When I arrived the water fight was still going strong and I got caught in the cross fire leading to a very see-through white shirt, but the heat was starting to build, so I was glad of the dousing.

Two very tired wee ones fell asleep as soon as their heads hit their respective pillows.

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