
By dunkyc

Prickly Heat

With The Eldest still dozing in her fortress of solitude, I had time to get a wash on, do some tidying up and go for a run before she finally arose.

We had lunch and a bit of a gossip in town, making time to pick up some snacks and things for tea this evening. I had made it plain that my afternoon would be spent hiding from the heat and watching the golf.

She was much more productive and tinkered with some artwork for her transition into sixth form in September.

The golf finished and history was made with 24-year-old; Collin Morikowa, winning The Open on his debut. The second time he has done the same in a “major”. Stunning.

Brushing the crisp residue from my t-shirt and feeling guilty for an afternoon of slothliness, I asked Carmen if she fancied a walk before tea and so we headed off in the cooling evening and walked up to the castle, enjoying the hazy view over Kendal.

On our descent through the cemetery (not as depressing as it sounds), Carmen suddenly gasped and pointed as she spotted a hedgehog casually strolling down the same path in front of us. We calmly approached it to check it was OK (which it was) before it sloped off into the grass, but gave enough pause to allow this photo.

Slightly surreal end to a very lazy Sunday.

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