Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I wonder if anyone will guess where I saw these chevrons today.

The last day before the Walking Festival is often busy as we change the system for booking over from the agents to ourselves. Today it's been extra busy because one of our leaders can't lead tomorrow because his wife is very poorly today. All sorted by lunchtime. Then the people re-erecting the exhibition found that they will be using a DVD player and projector instead of a computer and TV screen for my slide show. The presentation could not be transferred to DVD and right now I still need to sort it out.

Mum is doing well and insisted I took her to chose something ready for the Lindisfarne embroidery exhibition (huge clue). She has 2 weeks left to complete her work.

Nice to see the sun today.

Answer to chevrons tomorrow.

PS The spell check wants to change Lindisfarne to "Indiscipline"! Not very appropriate.

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