Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Fun on first day of festival

Today was the day we were all waiting for and two groups of walkers set off to enjoy the countryside. One group walked the first stretch of "Calling All Stations" on the old South Tyne railway. The others, me included, tackled Cold Fell.

It was very misty and rained in the morning, but the weather improved. Not everyone could get out of their waterproofs without help. Here is Roy "helping" his friend, Alistair. (I suspect that A's trousers are a bit on the tight side!) The boys provided an amusing interlude for the rest of us.

Guess who forgot the card for her camera? Yes, got it in one. I was so miffed. I had to use the iPhone for photos and then they would not send with emails when I came home. We have poor reception in this village. Never mind.

Tomorrow I'm back in Geltsdale for the bird walk. Fingers crossed for calm, dry weather.

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