This is the day

By wrencottage


Not unexpectedly, we have been somewhat weary after our busy day yesterday when we were on grandparent duty for several hours. 

The weather today has been really pleasant, but more humid than of late and that has added to our lethargy. I’ve done some laundry, watered the garden and picked up where I left off on knitting a little cardigan for my middle granddaughter. I started it just after Christmas, and had done the back and the ribbing of one sleeve and then life intervened and it has been sitting in my knitting basket ever since! I was glad to have something to do with my hands, and grateful that I didn't suffer any arthritis pain in them while knitting.

As we haven’t been out for a walk for quite a while, it’s getting harder and harder to find new things to photograph in the garden. This was the best I could do, and it’s a bit disappointing because the Lavender ‘Hidcote’ is already past its best owing to the lack of rain. 

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