Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Come and Play

There was a new event at the Corbridge Chamber Music Festival this year. Local string players were invited to come and join the professionals to make a string orchestra for the day.

They played the Finzi Bagatelles, with Rob Plane on clarinet. This is a favourite of mine and Rob recorded it years ago with the Northern Sinfonia. 

Then today's orchestra tackled Pamela Harrison's Suite for Timothy

Pamela Harrison's compositions were played widely during her earlier days, although she tended to be known as the wife of a famous 'cellist, Harvey Phillips. Rob Plane is doing his best to revive her work. Today's Suite was quite a challenge for the scratch orchestra and they did very well. Sadly, the eponymous Timothy is in hospital and could not come to the performance as planned.

My main blip shows a talented young cellis, DJ, who should have a great future in music. 

My extra is the delightful Spanish double-bassist, Roberto Carrillo-Garcia. He played in the Northern Sinfonia many years ago before defecting to the Hallé. We still love him. He was here for last night's late concert where he played classical guitar.

There was another lovely concert this evening. My cup ran over today - not only did I enjoy all I heard, but I was invited to use my camera during the afternoon concert. 

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