Dinner at L'escargot bleu

It's a while since Mr hazelh and I went out for a posh dinner, so tonight we smartened ourselves up and wandered up the road for a fabulous meal at L'escargot bleu.

I love French food. I think that this is partly due to the comfortable familiarity of the cuisine from my time living in France in my late teens and early twenties. This evening from the menu I chose duck parfait, veal (blipped), and the most delicious chocolate mousse that I have ever tasted. Mr hazelh's selections were steak tartar, monkfish and langoustines (blipped across the table), and crème brulée.

My big achievement of the day has been to work my way through the Fringe programme and make a shortlist of shows of interest. Normally we would have planned a whole schedule by now, and bought all the tickets for it. However, this year we are going to leave all our ticket buying until much closer to the dates in case one or both of us catches COVID (again in my case). This means that we may not get to see some of our favourites, but we would rather take this risk than end up paying for tickets that we cannot use.

We also collected lupin seeds from the pods that I have gathered from the plants that have flowered, and popped round the library to borrow my next book group book. I also brewed a batch of tomato and pepper soup, then pottered round the garden for a couple of hours while Mr hazelh made a start on writing his next play.

Exercise today: walking (10,124 steps), gardening.

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