Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Speckled Wood

Yes, I've already had a speckled wood in my journal this year, but I've always loved your images where the butterfly is suspended from a piece of grass.  So here is my addition to the genre.

This was taken in the reserve early this afternoon as I was on my way to the camera shop.  They have now taken the other camera to be sorted and one of the blokes kindly turned off the silly 'chink-chink' noise that's started happening on the mended body when the shutter opened and put on the right date and time (when it came back from the workshop it was saying all pics taken on 1/2/15, which I've had to remove this last week before posting - annoying!)

So that's me on my not-very-exciting Monday, but I do feel progress has been made!

Enjoy your Monday evening/Tuesday morning  xx

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