Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Summer Snow

‘Summer Snow’ aka Texas Sage, is a white blooming plant native to Durango and Chihuahua, Mexico. It has a natural loose and open form and grows 4′-6′ tall and wide.  Summer Snow bursts into bloom triggered by monsoon weather. As a result, it's nickname is "Barometer Bush." It's basically the white flowered version of the Texas Ranger, which has purple/lavender flowers...
(as seen in this this 11-year old blip).

I planted this variety last fall.  It is about 45 cm tall but super scraggly. These are its first flowers and they are all on the same branch. The flowers on this little bush are very tiny. They are also very soft and kind of silky; hard to get a decent focus because they're more 'furry' than defined. Thanks, Debbi for hosting TT.

In other news, 'Laurie's Limo' took neighbor on the left to pick up her car. Then the limo took Laurie out to lunch. While I was there, a close friend who moved to Bellingham, WA called. I was very emotional the rest of the day, missing my true friends. The ones you can call on the spur of the moment to grab a coffee. The ones who reach out to you, even when they don't want something. I miss her and Alma and mom. I miss them a lot.

So, yeah.

I liked this one...

A man who'd just died is delivered to a local mortuary wearing an expensive, expertly tailored black suit.
The female blonde mortician asks the deceased's wife how she would like the body dressed. She points out that the man does look good in the black suit he is already wearing.

The widow, however, says that she always thought her husband looked his best in blue, and that she wants him in a blue suit. She gives the blond mortician a blank check and says, 'I don't care what it costs, but please have my husband in a blue suit for the viewing.'

The woman returns the next day for the wake. To her delight, she finds her husband dressed in a gorgeous blue suit with a subtle chalk stripe; the suit fits him perfectly... She says to the mortician, 'Whatever this cost, I'm very satisfied. You did an excellent job and I'm very grateful. How much did you spend?'
To her astonishment, the blonde mortician presents her with the blank invoice. 'There's no charge,' she says. 'No, really, I must compensate you for the cost of that exquisite blue suit!' she says.

'Honestly, ma'am,' the blonde says, 'it cost nothing. You see, a deceased gentleman of about your husband's size was brought in shortly after you left yesterday, and he was wearing an attractive blue suit. I asked his wife if she minded him going to his grave wearing a black suit instead, and she said it made no difference as long as he looked nice.' 'So, I just switched the heads.'

For the record: blip 4242. Very cool number

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