
Lovely bright sunny day and after a slightly slow start I went for my check up at the eye pavilion. The stingy eye drops are the worst bits but otherwise fine and the consultant said nothing’s changed in the last 6 months so she doesn’t need to see me for a year. When doing the various checks it’s really noticeable how disrupted my left eye is…thank goodness my brain can interpret the messed up image and things look normal when I use both eyes!
Got a couple of things from the Sahara sale, sticking with my new clothes shopping principles, then home to sort out financial housekeeping which took longer than I expected.
Called the hospital, P gone backwards a bit and is dehydrated again and has a UTI and kidney damage. After T visited he said he’d not eaten all day and wasn’t very well….and seemed to be more confused again. Worrying.
I took LE to see Muse, a circus style show in the Assembly Hall, then we grabbed a quick pizza on the Grassmarket before I dashed off to the Kings Theatre to see Alan Cumming in Burn. We chatted and gossIped the whole way through the pizza and pleased she’s viewing things in a very appropriate way which bodes well for how effective she might be able to be. We’ve planned to go to some more shows….
Burn was about Robert Burns and all in his own words telling the story of his life. Lots of dramatic special effects, very cleverly done (eg having ladies shoes dangling on strings to represent the various women in his life, and a quill that wrote by itself when he talked about the preside flowing easily after the first stanza was done. He tried to set light to a page at one point but it wouldn’t catch and he quipped about the title of the show in an aside to the audience….and at other times there were some very Cumming-style arch looks out at us. Now I know what was going on I think I’d get more out of it if I saw it again but it was a great performance and a good proper show to kick things off.

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