Neat Nibbling

I wonder if it was the Fairies.

We walked in the wood behind Colinsburgh this morning. The last time we were there we found fairies and fairy houses dotted around. Today I just found a half-eaten toadstool, and it made me wonder whose tiny teeth had been busy here.
This afternoon I left Geordie at home and took in some more venues. Some prices would take your breath away, but there’s a great range of art this year. Everything from paintings to woodwork and ceramics, jewellery, metalwork, and drawings. I just wish I was loaded and could afford to buy. Many of the artists also do place mats and coasters, and greeting cards with their art on. I tend to buy enough cards to last me ages. I’ve even been known to put one or two in frames.
I’ve added a shot of my new earrings in Extra. The ones I bought three years ago are at the top.

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