Fishing For....


It was a day of socializing..that ended up taking the whole day, so by the time evening arrived, I had no blip! Having posted garden and cat lately, I had no choice but to go further afield - perhaps to the lake?  Surely there would be something worth shooting at the lake..?

There was! ..A sunset (!) and some fisher people -  none of whom seemed all that invested in catching fish..just dropping a line into the water and standing around chatting .. or sitting on the promenade totally focused on whatever they were doing on their cell phones, their limp lines lazily hanging into the water below.. Ho is SO exciting!

Which made me think...I have never actually seen a fish caught there.... 
Perhaps the intent is to NOT catch anything?... especially in light of the signs that say do not eat the fish?  Well.. not "do not eat"...but more like "be careful about eating"  or "be aware of possible contamination' or "think before you eat" or  "eat at your own risk" or some such cautionary wording...Whatever.... you get the drift. But that would imply that these people have read the signs and how likely is that? I am more apt to believe that dangling a line is just a way of justifying sitting around  by the lake doing nothing! But.. if they DO catch something, I hope they have read those signs! 

Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign ... nobody pays any attention to them why do we bother? The "Does Not Apply To Me" phenomenon? It's at work everywhere!  

On a lighter note..I love this supposed sign that someone forwarded to me...

The Employee Shortage Is So Bad That 
Long-Haired Freaky People Can Now Apply.

heh heh..

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