Goodbye Italy

The handover of the villa went well though the owner did say we owed €150 for electricity as we’d not paid the full amount on arrival. #2 daughter presented the receipt which showed we’d paid the full amount.

The drive to the airport was lovely - it had been dark when we arrived. We met at the industrial zone near the airport to fill up with fuel and have lunch. They were all fast food places. We went to Mr C’s favourite, Wagamama. The boys like the food there too so that was fine. The car change over went fine though he took a while to inspect it. We were checking in the luggage when the other arrived.

The flight was delayed by 45 minutes which made our connection in Schipol tight but we are now in the bar there and #2 daughter and I are having a gin. We’ll maybe have missed the last metro to get back to Gosforth to pick up the car so -imagine - Mr C might have to shell out on a taxi! Or more likely he could get the metro to Regent Centre and have us walk at midnight.

The blip is in Rome airport

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