A time for everything

By turnx3

Family Celebration

(Running about 10 days behind again!)
Sunday August 14
Today we were celebrating Roger’s Dad’s 94th birthday a day early. The day started in usual fashion for a Sunday, with church, but afterwards Janet and John headed straight home to prepare the buffet lunch, while the rest of us stayed on for coffee and a chat with church members, giving them a chance to wish Bernard Happy Birthday for tomorrow. By the time we got back, Roger’s other sister Pam and husband Mike had arrived from near Malmesbury, and their son Matthew, unfortunately again minus his wife Claire, but with their puppy Mabel. Janet and John had set up a tent in the back garden for shade, as the heat wave still continues, but we all ended up eating inside, though must of us did take our coffee out and sat out for the rest of the time. Matthew was concerned about Mabel getting too hot, so Janet brought out a washing up bowl of water, which Mabel enjoyed splashing in, providing us all with great entertainment! Later in the afternoon when it had cooled off a little bit, we went for a neighbourhood walk, before Matthew and Mabel had to leave.
Step count: 7294

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