Sunlit Avenue

You know where I've been today of course!  My Dad's much improved now I'm glad to report. He actually took the car for its service this morning. The service I tried to cancel yesterday. The company never answered their phone and it would seem they don't check their voice messages too often either!

The service didn't take long, and apparently the car is in showroom condition!

I got a bit more cleaning done before dad came home. It doesn't look significantly better though, as there is too much clutter! We are going to have to tackle that!

Touch wood, fingers crossed and all the rest of it, things are back to the version of normal that I call life, for now at least. I do hope so, normal is hard enough.

I'm in Caffe Nero now with a cappuccino. I'd have gone to Costa but I've left two long sleeve tops at my Dad's and Costa's aircon is lethal! My phone is at my Dad's too. Good job I'll be back there tomorrow...

It's the Big Derby game tonight. We play Saints. I'll be at work of course, so can't even watch on TV. It won't be the end of the world if we lose, though obviously I'd prefer we don't! But if we play them again this year it will matter a whole lot more!

I hope it will be a good Friday shift tonight and not one of "those" nights . This week has passed its quota for stress already!

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