
By dunkyc

Content-ment Provider

I don’t know whether it was the chicken and chorizo pie or the Australian crunch rattling around in my rucksack, the afternoon sun beating down on my magnificent dome (head) or the impending leave from work, but as I walked back from town ready to devour these good fresh from the farmer’s market, I felt rather content.

I also felt rather concerned for the chap in the extras (you can see him hiding behind the “15” sign). There is a LOT of flood prevention work going on in Kendal at present, and this chap seems to be documenting it in his sketch book and - I think - watercolours. He is brave to assume that hiding behind a speed limit sign won’t stop an errant Kendal driver mowing him down.

The contentment levels only increased at 5pm as the out of office went on with a promise to return sometime in September and I dashed out the door, with yet more food in the rucksack, to meet Simmo for a walk, talk and picnic up Orrest Head. This is the view from atop it over Windermere and across to the Langdales.

She was coming off the end of a week away from work, whilst I was about to begin mine, so I think we both appreciated the walk for very different reasons!

Oh, and thank you for all the love for yesterday’s photo! Made a rare foray onto the “Popular” page as a result! 

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