
By dunkyc

Side hustle

I haven’t been on blip much lately.

Some recent experiences and conversations have given me pause for how much I share on here. My mother has repeatedly referred to me as an “open book” and whilst it generally means that I am an open and honest person, voluntarily sharing quite so much in an open forum like Blip can leave me and those I care about rather exposed and vulnerable.

I would stress that there is no drama here and nothing has happened (everything is genuinely really really good just now!), just time away provides some time to reflect and realise that as much as I absolutely love this site (I really do - it remains the nicest place on the internet), I maybe just need to keep a little more of myself back than maybe I have done in the past.  

There is also a dire need to break my obsession with trying to post every day! Some days can be really boring with nothing to talk about and equally some can be so great that you forget to take a photo! Some gaps in the blip journal/journey for either of these reasons are perfectly acceptable and I need to get comfortable with that. I know this sounds ridiculous, but it’s just how my tiny brain is wired - all or nothing at all! 

Today was most definitely not boring - could easily be defined as great - and I DID remember to take a photo (or rather someone else did for me), which might be my favourite one of me yet. This was from near the summit of Side Pike in the Langdales and it was spectacular!

Now preparing for a family holiday this week which will hopefully result in more fun and good stories! 

Hope you lovely blippers are all well and thanks as ever for continuing to check in on my ramblings, I do need to get better at reciprocating (sorry)! 

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