West Bay

We had a short but massive thunderstorm and downpour early yesterday evening. We were actually very lucky as we had booked a table in a restaurant by the beach. We had a choice of 6:45 or 7:15 and went for the later one, by which time the worst of the storm had passed. Incidentally the service in the restaurant was very slow but when the bill came they had taken the cost of our drinks off. That was good, we'll probably go back again now as the food was excellent.

The rain that was forecast for today hasn't turned up yet. We decided to drive to West Bay, somewhere we had never been before. It was windy but very warm. The lifeguards put their red flags up while we were there. About 2 minutes later a family came charging over the top of the beach dressed in their swimming costumes. They had checked for red flags first so were really disappointed that it wasn't deemed safe to go in. You can see why in the first extra.

I liked the silhouetted figures in the second extra. I had to edit out the pallet that was stuck on the top pf the boat.

On the subject of being lucky, I nearly lost my mobile phone today. I had left it on a table by a drinks kiosk where we had stopped for some hot chocolates. I realised I didn't have it as I was walking along one of the piers. We walked back to the tables and there it was, still there after 10 minutes or so. Phew!

One year ago:
Q: How Many Men ......

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