A Busy Day

With the theme for today's Wide Wednesday set by steveng as The Built Environment (Human Made) it just had to be another shot of the Cobb. I tried various arty interpretations but, in the end, went for this general panorama from the gardens above the beach. It looks much better and detailed when viewed large. You can see mrsfb on the bench on the left taking in the view, about to be approached by an inquisitive seagull. You can't tell but mrsfb had just had her hair done, in The Secret Salon. That took a bit of finding.

We were in the gardens as we had just played a round of mini-golf. I thrashed mrsfb by 3 shots, though to be fair she did get the only hole-in-one.

The large building in the middle of the Cobb houses the aquarium, which was open today. I had my TG6 with me so got some underwater shots of the mullets. And mrsfb got to hold a starfish!

Despite all the forecasts the weather today has been super. Windy again, but warm and sunny. Thundery showers forecast for tomorrow. Let's hope they are wrong again.

Last night we watched Ammonite, a controversial film about Mary Anning. I wouldn't recommend it.

One year ago:
Small Tortoiseshell

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