She's Gone Again...

but not far ..  just next door to E's house for book club.. ..but once again here I am .. all alone....holding the usual...

I am not sure what is going on these days..The woman has been acting strange - watching a lot of TV.. people batting balls over nets for who knows what reason...but today it is different - no bats, no balls..just very sad people talking...really? What's that all about? 

She explained that it is a very sad day because the Queen died ..and that people are sharing their feelings on TV.. and she wanted to watch it because it will be a day to remember...She asked me to write up her blip for her as she had not even been outside yet to take photos..and now had to go to book club. How could I refuse? But what would I use for a blip-photo?

She said she would bring me back a photo of my friends from E's house...Kahlan the dog and Dickens the cat.. well, I wouldn't really call Dickens my friend..not yet anyway...He came over to stay for the day once and wouldn't even talk to me! He  just hid in a corner all day as if he was afraid.. of what? Me? Weird. Kahlan though - she's different.. she likes me, wags her tail and even tries to lick me! 

I think Kahlan and I could be good friends. She gets to go walking every day and would have lots of stories to tell me about what happens out there in the "big bad world" that the woman thinks I have to be protected from...oops.. a dangling preposition..she won't like that! 

Surprisingly, the woman kept her promise and came back with photos and then put one of me into a collage with them.. Me and My Friends...I like it..(see us in the extra)

Even if I am a cat, I do now I am feeling sad about the Queen too...

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