The road home

Today we took the scenic road home through the Hunter Valley. There had been some rain (on very saturated soils) so we had to cross a few roads covered with shallow water. The Bylong Valley has fertile soil and lovely farms. Unfortunately in this isolated valley the roads have suffered with rain and you can see we are even driving on the wrong side of the road here to avoid the worst potholes. There were flood warnings in the western parts of the state so we were surprised to see some roads around Bathurst cut by rising water and you can see the traffic backed up along the highway. 

All in all it was a successful trip to pick up our caravan from near Newcastle with an added blipmeet to make it more special. 

The village scene is Rylstone, 100km north of Bathurst. It is one of the few towns we passed through after leaving the city (villages included Jerry’s Plains and Kandos, Sofala and Peel).

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