
In 1984, I was privileged to matriculate as a scholar of New College Oxford and today was "Gaude", a reunion of people who matriculated in the years 1984-87. We began with tea in the cloisters - where Harry Potter turned Draco Malfoy into a ferret in one of the films. Then, after changing into black tie, there was a special evensong in the chapel (photographed). I'm not a believer, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to hear such fine choral singing in a stunning venue. Pre-dinner drinks were in the main (14th Century) quadrangle, before a fine three course meal in the main hall. (See extras.)

As before, I met people I knew as undergraduates, but also chatted with one interesting person I'd never met before, and someone that I never really knew as a student - even though she almost inspired the name of our first daughter. She gave me invaluable expert information about a situation that one of our students is in.

Earlier, I'd walked up to north Oxford along the canal - with the thrill of helping someone close a lock gate! There I spent a couple of hours chatting with academic friends over brunch, before walking back to Oxford beside the river through Port Meadow.

Fortunately some of the people there recognise the privilege of having been an Oxford student, but not enough.

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