How'd you like them apples?

I'm not even sure they are apples to be honest, but I don't know what else they could be. They are the texture of apples but more like a small (not cherry-small!) tomato. Maybe crab-apples? I didn't try eating one! There is an extra of their tree. Another Arbo-Blip, I didn't fancy going too far.

I'm forever asking fellow-Blippers to help fill the gaps in my nature knowledge - sorry!

I called my Dad this morning and said I was lots better and did he want me to go over today. He said leave it until tomorrow. I won't be going Friday except in an emergency as I've got my hair appointment and I daren't miss it again. And Saturday there is a rail strike, so I'll be only going then if he wants to come and pick me up. 

My boss finally called me last night to let me know my shifts for the week - well, I will be there tonight and he will tell me the rest then. At least there are no lunches! He's planning to give me four nights, and I can virtually guarantee Friday and Saturday will be among them, so either tomorrow or Sunday. Given the choice I'd rather be off Sunday as it gives me a full day.

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