Bolivian beauty

This lovely gesneriad, Seemannia gymnostoma, is native to southern Peru, Bolivia, and NW. Argentina. Apparently in the wild it can grow to a metre, but even at half that height it's rather big to be on the kitchen table. Acquired as rhizomes from a plant-swap with a nursery, it's probably best in a greenhouse, but a bigger one than I have!

A mixed day again - we've been getting ready to go off tomorrow for a family reunion - Mrs M's family - in Appleby, down in Cumbria. We'll come back on Sunday, so we'll have Saturday to have a roam about - pity the forecast isn't too great.

Lovely sunshine this afternoon - we've been sitting out on the deck with the cats and a cuppa - I read another couple of chapters of my Time-Life book on the Australian Outback.

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