
By dunkyc


Today I began my course of popping beta blockers to help me with my anxiety.

In a cruel twist, I immediately became anxious by worrying about if I’d taken them at the right time and if they were working or not!

So far there have been no ill effects and crucially it does feel like they are getting to work on me physically, which I hope will then help me mentally.

The back end of the year is always busy for me and work levels are already starting to ramp up, so it was nice to finish the day with cuddles with the wee ones and chatting over dinner.

I’ve also booked us a little break for October half term, which we’re all already looking forward to!

Nothing much else going on, so didn’t have many opportunities for a photo, so here is the sunflower I picked last week, which continues to look beautiful even as it begins to expire.

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