Fannying About

Today was the day for my hair appointment, and I actually remembered and was in a position to attend! It is done now and looks loads better, which would not be hard! 

My photo was taken in the hairdressers of the front of the little kiddy camper-van/seat and mirror. I decided to fanny about with it in Picasa to hopefully make it a bit more interesting!

After my hair was done, I had a little shopping to get including some new jeans since I have binned one pair with holes in and have another pair to bin now I have the new ones. I tried on every style of jeans M&S had available in the right size and leg length. I bought a pair of cord trousers too, in my favourite colour - raspberry!

Next, I went to Boots for some hair and skincare products. These went into one of their recyclable paper carriers - so much better than plastic!

 After that I decided to go and have a coffee and a snack in a café. Whilst in there I looked up from reading my book to see that it was chucking it down with rain! I hung around a little, but I realised it was not going to stop any time soon. With my coat over my head I went to try to get a cheap brolly from Poundland - I did not want to get my hair wet! They didn't have one so I had to get one from White Stuff across the road!

I'd hoped the brolly would also keep my shopping dry, but as I crossed the road near the chippy where I occasionally work the paper bag disintegrated and dropped all my Boots buys on the road! It was very awkward trying to pick it all up and hold it whilst juggling another bag and a brolly! All whilst cars drove around me, their drivers probably swearing or laughing! 

Fortunately I managed to lug it all to the chippy and scrounge a bag from my sometime colleague.. I am glad to be home in the dry and relative warm now.

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