View from a shed

Most of my day has been spent outdoors, by the shed. The weather is mild, almost sunny and very windy, perfect for fixing the last details on my shed-project. With help from my landlord I got the covering in place so that the wind won't blow right in under the roof. The job was done in less than an hour, it's such a big help having four arms on a job like this. The finishing details I could do myself after he left and it will be completed tomorrow. Then for the last bit of the process to get it ready for autumn and winter -a door and some drainage-digging. When the torrential rains come, the water can flow through the shed and I would like it to get caught by a drainage-ditch first, to take the top off it. 
I like these little "handyman" jobs, they let me feel I can other things with my hands apart from playing.

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