You've been framed

I had an early morning coffee with Stef...then received a call to say the neighbour above the centre was worried there might be water leaking through the ceiling into the footed it there and thankfully all seems ok at the moment. Apparently the terrace above our property has lots of water just sitting on it after the torrential rain, and they're worried it'll come through. We'll keep an eye... The landlady met us there too. We had good conversation with her about the project and she's going to talk to who she can about helping get it off the ground. Also got photos printed for Mitch - I've got a prison visit with him tomorrow.
We collected the kids from school and headed to the Festival Club (couple of extras). We were meant to see a friend from the ES church for the kids to meet her ducklings, but she's unwell. They were happy enough with this back up plan though!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Quality time with Stef.
2) Catalina's enthusiasm re us and the project.
3) There being no water damage. 

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