Poetry group

Apart feeling pretty rubbish today (It's just a really tired, achy menopause day I think) it's been good. I didn't have to go shopping, so began by making white chocolate brownies for the weekend. Then off to East Runton for a nice 90 minutes singing this morning followed by half an hour chatting to the lovely ladies and gentlemen over a cup of coffee.

Then home for an hour and a bit. I dashed to the allotment, where I found my sad runner beans have at last produced some beans. That was good.

Went in to Cromer at 2.30 for the monthly poetry group at the library. The subject we had been given was disaster and catastrophe. Not a cheery subject, but we actually had a few laughs and all managed to find 4 or more poems on the subject to read out. We often duplicate poems, and today 3 of us had the found The Tay Bridge Disaster, but there are always plenty to read and discuss in the 90 minutes we spend together.

I had a walk round the charity shops before heading home. More prepping stuff for tomorrow. Now tv before bed.

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