Cascading Colour...

The Virginia Creeper on my back fence is slowly creeping into its vibrant red....but it is already appealing as, at this stage, it has such a varied many colours in there...I have had fun playing with my photos of them on the computer today, cropping them into close-ups and noting the different colour combinations..many of which could be used when designing quilts or knitting projects! 

This week, I happened to be picking out some autumn shawls from my stash ...yes..I have so many, they have to be assigned a season to limit the selection when I need one! I have trouble making decisions so it is best to have fewer choices...heh heh ...

Like, who am I kidding?...How often do I dig into that bin of shawls and actually pull one out and wear it? Like where does one wear a shawl these days? I have lots, not because I need them, but because I like knitting and playing with colour and shawls do not have to fit! They make the perfect knitting project... 

Well, a funny thing happened on the way to sit by the fire this morning. I had pulled out one of those autumn shawls, put it on for fun and then noted that I matched my living room! Imagine that! Just like in that old TV show Golden Girls - their wardrobes almost always matched the background of the set! How serendipitous.. And on top of that, the shawl also blended quite nicely with some of those creeping leaves in my photos! (extra)

One would have to remember the fall colours I chose for the living room in order to see what I mean - but it was SO serendipitous! I couldn't have planned it better...but someone did..Whoever designed that yarn, knew her stuff! It doesn't have to be fiery red, orange or gold to say "autumn"... more subtle colours have their say too! 

Mother Nature is no slouch when it comes to colour combos. 


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