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Today was my annual cholesterol check so blood was taken by the nurse. The blood spurted out so quick and spilled over onto my arm she had to take the strap off . I didn’t look as she mopped it up. It took less than a minute but we had a chat about our respective mothers who seem to have the same health issues.

The gang got their connection at Dublin and were on their way to NY as I was starting my shift at the Vaccines.

This is the view at the top floor of the old Lakeland shop which previous to that was the Bank of Scotland, it’s a beautiful building overlooking to St John’s Kirk.

I was on crowd control outside. The number of folks that arrive half an hour early was unreal! They don’t get in till ten mins before their appointment time as it’s busy and we can’t just let everyone in as there isn’t the seats. You would t arrive half an hour early for the docs people. At one stage I had about ten waiting outside grouped in their ten min interval times. I felt quite good keeping the line haha! It was a nice day but would have been hellish if raining.

I was supposed to get my two vaccines next Wednesday but I have cancelled as I have a show in Edinburgh so have rescheduled for end of November. I may get the flu one before that we will see.

I watched the plane touch down in JFK and then they were off to their hotel.

Yes the sky is enhanced !!

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