Is it ME?!?

"No date,
helps reduce waste."

Extrapolating "If it looks like a Duck~ ~ ~ etc."
"If it looks OK and it smell OK, it probably IS OK."

I can understand, in this modern antiseptic world of ours it may be necessary to instruct, shall we say, the less able, that 
"This item will go rotten at the stoke of midnight on the following date."
But, as their Old Joe is heard to say from time to time - "Come ON Man!"  Do people REALLY throw out perfectly good, viable, fruit/veg purely on the say-so of the packer?

Besides, not having a full complement of "Gnashers" I've found, through trial and error, most Apples aren't even edible until at/past "Use by" date.  How will I know now?


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